
2D laser-based SLAM package for Kuri. To map using Kuri’s low-cost depth sensor with its limited range and resolution, Oort formulates the 2D SLAM problem with switchable constraints (with Ceres as the optimizer) using primarily libfrsm’s scan matcher as a front end to generate graph links. The final map rendering process uses a combination of Cartographer’s probability grids and OpenCV to generate maps appropriate for navigation. Beyond basic mapping, Oort supports:

Note that although Cartographer’s scan matchers have been integrated and can be selected in Oort’s configuration (params.json), they tend not to work as robustly in this setting; with limited resolution sensors, libfrsm’s matching using detected line segments is often more reliable.

To support multi-session mapping, Oort stores its maps as Cap’n Proto (a relative format of protobuf) files. The Cap’n Proto definition is included at the end of this document for reference. Each new session needs an approximate start pose (refined internally by scan matching), and is added as a separate chain of graph nodes that may or may not have loop closure links to the existing graph.


To run the ROS node do:

rosrun oort oort_ros scan:=scan_reduced_mapping

To process bags online, in separate terminals, do:

rosbag play --clock yourbagname.bag
rosparam set use_sim_time true
rosrun oort oort_ros scan:=scan_reduced_mapping

Note that normally Kuri’s main process assumes that it has sole control of oort_ros, and so changing the map representation using Oort’s services independently while it’s running as part of Kuri’s nodes is not advised. It’s much better to run Oort while the rest of Kuri’s processes have been shutdown with sudo service gizmo stop.

Basic Usage

Making a map and storing locations while doing it

# Launch Oort with robot at the dock.
rosservice call oort_slam/map/start "/home/account/map.capnp"
rosservice call oort_slam/graph_loc/create "dock"
# ... drive robot around to map.
# (optional) rosservice call oort_slam/graph_loc/create "waypoint"
# ... drive robot back to dock.
rosservice call oort_slam/map/notify_docked
rosservice call oort_slam/map/stop
# Start localizer (amcl) and wait till the below returns true.
rosservice call oort_slam/graph_loc/is_ready
# (optional) rosservice call oort_slam/graph_loc/create "waypoint"

The dock related calls are optional but highly suggested to make good maps.

Starting a new mapping session with a map made or already loaded

rosservice call oort_slam/map/clear
rosservice call oort_slam/map/start "/home/account/new_map.capnp"
# ... same as above

Running with a pre-made map

# Launch Oort
rosservice call oort_slam/map/load "/home/account/new_map.capnp"
# Start localizer (amcl) and wait till the below returns true.
rosservice call oort_slam/graph_loc/is_ready
# (optional) rosservice call oort_slam/graph_loc/create "waypoint"


Docks are treated as locations that live under the namespace “dock”. For on-boarding purposes, clients would use the following sequence:

rosservice call oort_slam/graph_loc/create dock  # After docking for the very first time.
rosservice call oort_slam/map/notify_docked  # For subsequent dockings, so that Oort knows to loop close.

Saving/Loading Maps & Locations

The nominal sequence for creating new maps starts with calling map/start with a path and then calling map/stop.

rosservice call oort_slam/map/start "/home/account/map.capnp"
# ... drive robot around
rosservice call oort_slam/map/stop

Oort will save a map to the path given after processing the first map/start, every 15 seconds, whenever it processes a command to create/delete/clear locations, and when map/stop is called.

To load a map:

rosservice call oort_slam/map/load "/home/account/map.capnp"

After a map/stop or map/load call, Oort will listen for transforms between the sensor and map frame to support location services and will save a new map file to the path supplied (to either map/start or map/load) whenever changes to locations are made using create/delete/clear calls.

NOTE: This means that loaded maps will be modified (overwritten with new versions) whenever the locations inside are modified.

Resume Mapping

First, load a map:

rosservice call oort_slam/map/load "/home/account/map.capnp"

And then call resume with a new path and a known pose:

rosservice call oort_slam/map/resume "new_map_loc: '/home/account/new_map.capnp'
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  theta: 0.0"

Subscribed Topics





Published Topics




nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid Latched



Number of messages (laser scans, & start/stop/pause/etc requests) that’s currently in Oort’s queue on systems where sensor processing lags behind realtime.



Notification for when Oort write the map & metadata file to disk or just the metadata file. Will contain either map or meta as values.

Required Transforms

Position of laser on robot. Required once on startup.

Position of laser according to odometry. Required to be published as often as there are laser scans.

Position of the laser frame in the map frame but only when Oort is NOT mapping.

Output Transform

/odom => /map, position of the odom frame in the map frame but only when Oort is mapping.


Mapping Session Management



IMPORTANT!!! This must be called once to tell Oort to start mapping, otherwise, it’ll sit there and do nothing.



map/resume(map_path, pose2d)












map/state() => string


map/map() => nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid


map/name() => string


map/has_map() => bool






A location is a 2D (x, y, theta) pose stored by Oort in the reference frame of the closest graph node while mapping. Storing 2D poses as relative poses in the graph in this way makes sure that as SLAM warps the map during updates, 2D poses stored will move with the map rather than left behind (which is what would happen if they instead were anchored to a global reference frame).

Here, each location has a namespace which it gets created under so that different clients can create namespaces for their own set of locations. To use this API, clients would first ask Oort to create() a location at the current map pose and then clients would then call locate() on the UUID returned to get the current estimate of that location.

graph_loc/create(string nspace, string id)


graph_loc/create_points([pt_1..., pt_n], [ns_1..., ns_n], [id_1..., id_n])


graph_loc/is_ready() => bool


graph_loc/list(string nspace, bool use_as_prefix) => [id_1, ...], [ns_1, ...] (array of strings)


graph_loc/list_namespaces() => [ns1, ...] (array of strings)


graph_loc/delete(string nspace, string id) => (bool)


graph_loc/locate(string nspace, string id) => pose (geometry_msgs/Pose2D)


graph_loc/clear(string nspace, bool use_as_prefix)



Included below is the params.json file included with Oort, but with explanatory comments (these aren’t provided in the actual file itself as json doesn’t quite support comments).

    # Robot's TF frame, used to relate to odom frame.
    "base_frame": "base_footprint",

    # Odom's TF frame.
    "odom_frame": "odom",

    # Frame of the depth sensor/laser scanner.
    "sensor_frame": "hokuyo_laser_link",

    # Frame of the map.
    "map_frame": "map",

    # Amount of linear translation of base_frame in odom_frame (in meters)
    # before creating a new graph node.
    "linear_update": 0.2,

    # Amount of angular rotation (in radians) of base_frame in odom_frame (in
    # meters) before creating a new graph node.
    "angular_update": 0.6,

    # Point clouds with less points than this will not be used by Oort for
    # mapping.
    "min_pointcloud_size": 3,

    # Scalar to apply to switchable constraint prior's error.
    "switchable_constraint_scale": 2,

    # Scale on prior constraint for switching variable. By default, switching
    # variables are biased to to turn on so larger values make turning off loop
    # closure constraints more expensive, and thus less likely.
    "switchable_constraint_scale": 2,

    # Params controlling what published rendered maps look like.
    "output_map": {

        # Params controlling rendering laser hits to a probability grid.
        # Mostly from
        # en/latest/configuration.html#cartographer-mapping-2d-proto-rangedatainserteroptions
        "probability_grid": {
            # Resolution of map to generate in meters.
            "resolution": 0.05,

            # If ‘false’, free space will not change the probabilities in the
            # occupancy grid.
            "insert_free_space": true,

            # Probability change for a hit (this will be converted to odds and
            # therefore must be greater than 0.5).
            "hit_probability": 0.55,

            # Probability change for a miss (this will be converted to odds and
            # therefore must be less than 0.5).
            "miss_probability": 0.49,

            # Whether to interpret inf readings as evidence of freespace.
            "clear_infs": true,

            # Distance in meters to clear when processing inf readings.
            "inf_clear_dist": 0.5

        # Params controlling thresholding of generated probability grid to
        # create ROS OccupancyGrid
                # Max occupancy probability for a cell to be labeled freespace.
                "max_free": 48,

                # Min occupancy probability for a cell to be labeled occupied
                "min_occupied": 55

        # Footprint of robot in meters to use for clearing OccupancyGrid in
        # spots where the robot traveled. Helpful for keeping doorways &
        # hallways navigable.
        "robot_radius": 0.15,

        # Strategy to use for clearing speckle noise in final rendered map.
        # either "median" or "morphological".
        "speckle_strategy": "median",

        # In the morphological strategy, Oort splits the rendered map into a
        # map of freespace pixels, and another map of occupied pixels and then
        # it runs morphological iterations on each separately. The two maps
        # are then layered, with freespace first and occupied cells last.
            # Number of morphological iterations to run on freespace layer.
            "free_space_morpho_iterations": 1,

            # Number of morphological iterations to run on occupied layer.
            "occupied_morpho_iterations": 1

        # In the median strategy, Oort runs a median filter.
            # Size of kernel in pixels.
            "kernel_size": 3,

            # Number of iterations of median filtering to run.
            "iter": 2

    # Params controlling how links between consecutive poses are formed in
    # graph.
            # Covariance to use in the x, y, and theta direction when falling
            $ back to using wheel odometry.
            "odom_cov_xx": 0.02,
            "odom_cov_yy": 0.02,
            "odom_cov_tt": 0.01,

            # Which scanmatcher to use.
            # Either "frsm_matcher" or "cartographer_matcher".
            "scanmatcher": "frsm_matcher",

            # Params when using libfrsm's scanmatcher. This scanmatcher tends
            # to perform better when the pointcloud is less dense as it's able
            # to connect points into line segments.
                    # Whether to show opencv debug viewer for the scanmatcher
                    # (need to run Oort in environment with X11 available to
                    # work).
                    "debug": false,

                    # Params for the debug viewer.
                        # How much to scale up the debug viewer.
                        "viewer_scale": 4,

                        # Length of pose history to show.
                        "history_length": 30,

                        # Resolution of debug map.
                        "resolution": 0.025,

                        # Params for probability grid used by debug viewer (see
                        # "probability_grid" above).
                        "insert_free_space": false,
                        "hit_probability": 0.55,
                        "miss_probability": 0.49

                    # Unused.
                    "meters_per_pixel": 0.01,

                    # Unused.
                    "theta_resolution": 0.01,

                    # Max number of scans to keep as history in scanmatcher.
                    # Note: This is fairly important as it controls how much
                    # information the scanmatcher's incremental mini-map
                    # contains.
                    "max_num_scans": 20,

                    # Params from libfrsm (see
                    "initial_search_range_xy": 0.01,
                    "initial_search_range_theta": 0.01,
                    "max_search_range_xy": 0.1,
                    "max_search_range_theta": 0.1,
                    "add_scan_hit_thresh": 0.95,
                    "stationary_motion_model": false,

                    # Standard deviation of motion model estimate. Below .1 the
                    # prior isn't used, and otherwise specifies the standard
                    # deviation for a Gaussian around the odometry estimate.
                    # This controls how closely scanmatching will try to keep
                    # to the odometry estimate.
                    "std_mot_model": 0.4,

                    # Amount to scale the covariance returned by the
                    # scanmatcher.
                    "scanmatch_cov_scale": 5,

                    # Amount to scale the covariance by when mapping is paused
                    # and then "resume from paused".
                    "inflate_scanmatch_cov_scale": 40,

                    # Amount to scale covariance by when a new mapping session
                    # is initiated. This type of resume mapping assumes that
                    # mapping was stopped and then restarted with a guess of an
                    # initial location.
                    "resume_scanmatch_cov_scale": 50,

                    # Unused
                    "sm_dist_accept_threshold": 0.06,

                    # Unused.
                    "sm_angle_accept_threshold": 0.07,

                    # Unused.
                    "min_sm_accept_score": 0.45,

                    # Params controlling whether we should trust scanmatching
                    # over initial odometry estimate.
                        # Unused.
                        "dist_accept_threshold": 0.06,

                        # Params below apply to difference in pose resulting
                        # from taking the scanmatcher's estimated pose and
                        # subtracting the estimated pose according to odometry.

                        # Mininum value of x translation to accept in meters.
                        # Used to keep from accepting results where the
                        # scanmatcher says that the robot has moved backwards.
                        "x_min_accept": -0.05,

                        # Maximum value of x translation to accept in meters.
                        # Used to filter out outlier scanmatcher estimates.
                        "x_max_accept": 0.12,

                        # Maximum absolute value of y translation in meters.
                        # As our robot doesn't translate sideways, this keeps
                        # Oort from accepting crazy scanmatching results.
                        "y_abs_accept": 0.11,

                        # Maximum absolute value rotation difference in
                        # radians to accept.
                        "theta_abs_accept": 0.07,

                        # Minimum score for scan matching result to be
                        # accepted.
                        "min_accept_score": 0.45

            # Params when using cartographer's RealTimeCorrelativeScanMatcher.
            # Unused by default.
                    "debug": false,
                    "debug_viewer_scale": 4,

                    "history_length": 30,
                    "resolution": 0.05,
                    "insert_free_space": true,
                    "hit_probability": 0.55,
                    "miss_probability": 0.49,

                    "linear_search_window": 0.1,
                    "angular_search_window": 0.1,
                    "translation_delta_cost_weight": 0.1,
                    "rotation_delta_cost_weight": 0.1,

                    "use_ceres_refinement": true,
                        "resolution": 0.025,
                        "insert_free_space": false,
                        "hit_probability": 0.55,
                        "miss_probability": 0.49,

                        "occupied_space_cost_functor_weight": 20.0,
                        "previous_pose_translation_delta_cost_functor_weight": 1.0,
                        "initial_pose_estimate_rotation_delta_cost_functor_weight": 100.0,
                        "covariance_scale": 0.50,
                            "use_nonmonotonic_steps": true,
                            "max_num_iterations": 50,
                            "num_threads": 1

                    "scanmatch_cov_scale": 10,
                    "inflate_scanmatch_cov_scale": 40,
                    "resume_scanmatch_cov_scale": 50,

                    "sm_dist_accept_threshold": 0.05,
                    "sm_dist_accept_x_min": -0.12,
                    "sm_dist_accept_x_max": 0.05,
                    "sm_dist_accept_threshold_y": 0.11,
                    "sm_angle_accept_threshold": 0.10,
                    # Minimum hit percent a scanmatch result has to have for it
                    # to be accepted (else Oort uses the odometry estimate).
                    "min_sm_accept_score": 0.0,

                    "use_second_stage_matcher": false,
                    "second_stage_matcher": {
                            "resolution": 0.01,
                            "insert_free_space": false,
                            "hit_probability": 0.55,
                            "miss_probability": 0.49,

                            "occupied_space_cost_functor_weight": 20.0,
                            "previous_pose_translation_delta_cost_functor_weight": 20.0,
                            "initial_pose_estimate_rotation_delta_cost_functor_weight": 50.0,
                            "covariance_scale": 6.00,
                                "use_nonmonotonic_steps": true,
                                "max_num_iterations": 50,
                                "num_threads": 1

                        # Max distance from odometry estimate scanmatching result
                        # can be before Oort falls back to using just the odometry
                        # estimate.
                        "sm_dist_accept_threshold": 0.051,
                        # Max angle from odometry estimate.
                        "sm_angle_accept_threshold": 0.07,
                        "min_sm_accept_score": 0.0

    # Params controlling loop closure searches.
                    # Number of k nearest neighbor candidates to search. Larger
                    # values increase CPU usage, but also increase number of
                    # loop closure matches.
                    "knearest_neighbors": 5,

                    # When considering a node's pointcloud as a loop closure
                    # candidate, how large of a neighborhood (in number of
                    # nodes on its chain) to use to build the submap for that
                    # node.

                    # And if a node is selected as a candidate,
                    # nodes within max(ceil(submap_neighborhood_size/2), 1)
                    # hops of that node will not be considered as loop closure
                    # candidates. This is as these nodes' scans are accounted
                    # for in the original node's submap.

                    "submap_neighborhood_size": 15,

                    # Given that nodes are given consecutive integer IDs, this
                    # parameter control how close a candidate node's ID can be
                    # before it's considered.
                    "closest_allowed_id_threshold_large": 30,

                    # If the k-nearest candidate search yields zero nodes
                    # using "closest_allowed_id_threshold_large", Oort runs
                    # a less restrictive search using this param.
                    "closest_allowed_id_threshold_small": 5,

                    # Unused.
                    "max_dist_allowed_threshold": 4.0

            # Which scanmatcher to use to look for loop closures.
            # Either "frsm_matcher" or "branch_and_bound_matcher".
            "scanmatcher": "frsm_matcher",

                    # Minimum number of neighbors a node can have before it's
                    # rejected from being a candidate.
                    "submap_min_neighborhood_size": 3,

                    # Hit percent threshold for initial rough match.
                    "rough_match_hitpct_threshold": 0.3,

                    # Hit percent threshold for fine scale matching.
                    "fine_match_hitpct_threshold": 0.6,

                            # If the node ID distance (difference in ID between
                            # candidate node and query node) is less than
                            # closest_allowed_id_threshold_large use thresholds
                            # below to decide whether to accept the loop closure
                            # match result. And for the params below, Oort
                            # defines the match difference as the difference
                            # between the candidate's pose according to the
                            # current estimate, and the pose the loop closure
                            # scanmatch predicts.

                            # If a match's hit percentage is at least
                            # "close_node_hitpct_threshold", and its match
                            # difference is distance less than
                            # "close_node_max_dist", and angle is less than
                            # "match_max_ang_diff", then accept the match.
                            "close_node_hitpct_threshold": 0.8,
                            "close_node_max_dist": 0.5,
                            "match_max_ang_diff": 2.09,

                            # If the node ID distance is equal or greater than
                            # "closest_allowed_id_threshold_large", use the
                            # params bellow to decide whether to accept
                            # candidate matches.

                            # If the hit percentage is greater than
                            # "match_hitpct_threshold", and the match
                            # difference is less than "match_max_dist", then we
                            # accept the match.
                            "match_hitpct_threshold": 0.7,
                            "match_max_dist": 0.5,

                            # If the hit percentage is greater than
                            # "match_hitpct_threshold_high", and the match
                            # difference is less than "match_max_dist_high",
                            # then we also accept the match.
                            "match_hitpct_threshold_high": 0.80,
                            "match_max_dist_high": 2.0

                            # Alternatively, if the candidate's estimated
                            # heading before scanmatching is in the opposite
                            # direction (controlled by
                            # "opposite_dir_threshold"), then use
                            # "match_hitpct_threshold_opposite_dir" and
                            # "match_hitpct_threshold_opposite_dir".
                            "opposite_dir_threshold": 1.74,
                            "match_hitpct_threshold_opposite_dir": 0.67,
                            "match_hitpct_threshold_high_opposite_dir": 0.75,

                    "debug": false,
                    "debug_draw_original_cloud": false,
                    "debug_only_show_matched": true,

                    "submap_min_neighborhood_size": 3,
                    "global_localization_min_score": 0.21,
                    "min_score": 0.55,

                        "resolution": 0.05,
                        "insert_free_space": false,
                        "hit_probability": 0.55,
                        "miss_probability": 0.49

                        "max_length": 0.9,
                        "min_num_points": 150,
                        "max_range": 50.0

                    "fast_correlative_scan_matcher" :
                        "linear_search_window": 7.0,
                        "angular_search_window": 0.524,
                        "branch_and_bound_depth": 7

                        "occupied_space_cost_functor_weight": 20.0,
                        "previous_pose_translation_delta_cost_functor_weight": 10.0,
                        "initial_pose_estimate_rotation_delta_cost_functor_weight": 1.0,
                        "covariance_scale": 0.125,
                            "use_nonmonotonic_steps": true,
                            "max_num_iterations": 10,
                            "num_threads": 1

                            "close_node_hitpct_threshold": 0.0,
                            "close_node_max_dist": 0.5,
                            "match_max_ang_diff": 2.09,

                            "match_hitpct_threshold": 0.0,
                            "match_hitpct_threshold_high": 0.0,

                            "opposite_dir_threshold": 1.74,
                            "match_hitpct_threshold_opposite_dir": 0.0,
                            "match_hitpct_threshold_high_opposite_dir": 0.0,

                            "match_max_dist": 0.5,
                            "match_max_dist_high": 2.0

    # Params for loop closure matching when Oort gets a hint that the robot
    # has returned to its dock (using the service call map/notify_docked).
            # Number of nodes at the beginning of the graph to use to create a
            # reference submap for matching.
            "dock_submap_size": 31,

            # Number of nodes at the end of the graph to use to create a submap
            # to match to the dock reference submap.
            # IMPORTANT:
            # Should be smaller than dock_submap_size to avoid scenes with lots
            # of aliasing (like hallways).
            "dock_match_submap_size": 7,

            # Size of contacts on the dock. We need this as the robot will
            # report that it's on the dock whenever it touches any part of the
            # contact.
            "dock_contacts_size": 0.15,

            # Max distance we assume user will move dock between when we see
            # it.
            "dock_max_translation": 0.25,

            # Max distance we expect for loop closure constraints to the same
            # dock.
            "dock_match_max_dist": 0.4,

            # Minimum hit percent (overlap) before accepting a dock closure
            # hypothesis.
            "dock_match_min_hit_pct": 0.6

Cap’n Proto Map Definition


using Cxx = import "/capnp/c++.capnp";

struct Point2d @0x86eb3abaf30b3dab {
    x @0 :Float64;
    # X coordinate. Can be nan or +inf.

    y @1 :Float64;
    # Y coordinate. If x is nan or +inf, stores the angle in radians of the
    # original sensor beam.

    z @2 :Float64 = 1.0;
    # Stores a homogeneous coordinate 1 for a valid point, or nan which
    # represents either:
    # 1. A point with normal x & y but is less than than min range or greater
    #    or equal to max range in the original laser scan message.
    # 2. A point with a nan or +inf range.

struct Pose2d @0xef9347c8a4ec3f3b {
    x @0 :Float64;
    y @1 :Float64;
    t @2: Float64;

struct Matrix3d @0x8bf10fa249db2c04 {
    v @0 :List(Float64);

struct Pose2dCov @0x8ca5f336b2fcc26d {
    pose @0 :Pose2d;
    cov @1 :Matrix3d;

struct Node2d @0xe51b2aac4150d637 {
    id @0 :UInt64;
    pose @1 :Pose2d;

struct Sensor2dConstraint @0x9e8d9650484abd02 {
    time @0 :Float64;
    # ID of node this constraint was calculated at (has no implications on the
    # direction of transforms).
    id @1 :UInt64;
    pose @2 :Pose2dCov;
    type @3 :Type;

    enum Type {
        laser @0;
        odom @1;

struct Edge2d @0xdcbcc7844d8936a0 {
    id @0 :UInt64;
    i @1 :UInt64;
    j @2 :UInt64;
    # i_T_j
    props @3 :Sensor2dConstraint;

struct Edge2dSwitchable @0xaafd6e34d5cc28cf {
    id @0 :UInt64;
    i @1 :UInt64;
    j @2 :UInt64;
    # i_T_j
    props @3 :Sensor2dConstraint;
    switch @4 :Float64;

struct Graph2d @0xf0829dca2aeac818 {
    nodes @0 :List(Node2d);
    edges @1 :List(Edge2d);
    edgesSwitch @2 :List(Edge2dSwitchable);

struct PointCloud2d @0xf0211b9259d37f5f {
    # ID of node this pointcloud was captured at.
    id @0 :UInt64;
    points @1 :List(Point2d);
    time @2 :Float64;

struct Location @0xd16e2058832c0e78 {
    namespace @0 :Text;
    nodeid @1 :UInt64;
    nTsensor @2 :Pose2d;
    uuid @3 :Text;

struct IncrGraphResult @0x815530c5e1acb0df {
    # ID of node this result was produced at.
    id @0 :UInt64;
    target @1 :UInt64;
    # posecov: Pose in scan matcher's global frame
    smTid @2 :Pose2dCov;
    # pose_delta: pose between adjacent time steps.
    targetTid @3 :Pose2d;
    hitPct @4 :Float64;

struct LoopGraphResult @0xd836671ff6e61ea9 {
    # ID of node this result was produced at.
    id @0 :UInt64;
    target @1 :UInt64;
    idTtarget @2 :Pose2dCov;
    hitPct @3 :Float64;

struct SidecarDb @0xad039fab7cfb237c {
    clouds @0 :List(PointCloud2d);

    incrs @1 :List(IncrGraphResult);

    loops @2 :List(LoopGraphResult);

struct Map2dMetadata @0xa74d65c2b1e77767 {
    locations @0 :List(Location);

struct Map2d @0xd9ca05175c083d2b {
    graph @0 :Graph2d;
    sidecardb @1 :SidecarDb;